Find a Sober Living Network

Your support network will provide you more than a group of people you can call. Apart from attending recovery meetings, you should also participate in other healthy social activities that do not involve drugs or alcohol. The members of your support network are people who will remain committed to helping you remain focused on your recovery goals.

The interactive program allows the recovering person to participate in their recovery while monitoring their personal development and accountability by a designated care manager (s). The simple design and targeted features encourage user-friendly activity without complication. Look, stepping outside the bubble of alcohol addiction is not always easy. However, as warm and as secure as it feels in there, nothing ever grows. Drinkers may come up with a hundred reasons to stay away from doing just about anything that does not include drinking. The pressure from your drinking buddies to keep just devoting all your money and time to time spent with them may be humiliating and unhelpful to you moving forward with your happy sober life.

Pathways Recovery

He understands the emotional and psychological factors contributing to addiction and knows how to help people overcome them. In addition, Craig’s formal training and certifications provide him with the knowledge and skills to develop effective strategies and techniques for addiction recovery. The Stop Drinking Expert approach to alcohol addiction uses a unique combination of CBT sober networking techniques and NLP reframing. Craig’s qualifications are evident in his successful track record helping people quit drinking. Craig Beck is the author of several alcohol addiction books, such as “Alcohol Lied to Me” and “The Alcohol Illusion”. His website, , provides a comprehensive guide on how to quit drinking, including practical tips, strategies, and resources for recovery.

The more people an addict has in their networks, the more likely it is that new and useful information will be passed among the various members. The power of fellowship is felt in nearly all groups that gather for a specific purpose; especially groups with powerful missions like those dedicated to the recovery of addicts and alcoholics. Humans are innately social creatures that need to be around other people that share the same goals and interests. Finally, if you’ve tried self-help strategies and find yourself not able to fully quit drinking, it may be time to seek professional help. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to stopping alcohol use and treating alcohol misuse, but no matter how severe the issue may seem, recovery is possible for every person. With the advent of the “sober curious” movement, more companies, restaurants, and bars have been offering various non-alcoholic drinks and mocktails that are tasty and appealing alternatives to alcohol.

Online Resources And Communities For Sober Support

It is also designed to assist clients identify and move “barriers” aside that prevent them from potentializing. The relationship is not unlike any other professional relationship a client may have with say a psychotherapist, doctor or lawyer. No longer is the topic of sobriety confined to discreet meetings in church halls over Styrofoam cups of lukewarm Maxwell House.

The program is based on 13 Acceptance Statements encouraging spiritual and emotional growth. When these mantras are internalized, they provide a new way of thinking. Members are asked to wake up 15 minutes early each day, go over the 13 acceptance statements, and think about each one. Think Florida shuffleboard fun, but with Brooklyn DJs, food trucks and board games too.

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